5th COVID vaccination

It is recommended that those who are eligible now get their 5th COVID vaccination. The criteria to be met are …. …must be over 18 (meaning for those aged 18-29 this will in fact be their 4th dose) …must be at least 6 months since the last COVID vaccination ….must be at least 6 months…

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New Practice Manager!

We are very happy to report that next Monday we are welcoming a new Practice Manager to FMC. Sharen Harris resides in Port Albert and is excited to begin what we all hope is a mutually enjoyable and rewarding career with us. Please make her welcome.

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Update of FMC news

It has been awhile since I have posted anything here. Christmas and holiday season etc might be an excuse… There are (always) changes afoot in the doctors who work at Foster… …we said goodbye to Adeel Chaudrey last week, who had been working in Foster for 5+ years and is off to Sydney (and beyond)…

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Practice Manager Opportunity

Full Time Position We have a fantastic opportunity for an accomplished and experienced manager to join our friendly team. We are looking for an innovative, pro-active leader with strong interpersonal skills, who is able to drive and manage our medical practice on a day to day basis. You must be a strategic thinker, results focused, financially…

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“So the pandemic’s over, right?”

With the relaxation in the rules of mask-wearing and self-isolation it is easy to think that the pandemic must be over, that the virus has lost its virulence and that we are all safe and free again. Except that’d be wrong. The virus is as infective as it has always been, and there are strong…

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Billing Change

In the last couple of years, our doctors have done many consultations by phone to help avoid the spread of coronavirus. These consultations have routinely been bulk billed for all patients. Some readers may have noticed recent media reports about the increasing challenge of relying solely on Medicare funding to run a general practice.  While Medicare…

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Foster Medical Centre COVID news

The increase in ‘flu, respiratory viruses and COVID has affected every business and the medical centre is no exception. We have had a number of staff off sick for the past few weeks and the suspicion is that that there won’t be a significant change in this for quite awhile. Winter is upon us… As…

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Free Flu Vaccines for All

The Victorian government, along with many other states and territories, have made the influenza vaccine free for all people.  In addition to the government subsidised vaccine available free each year to those 65 or over, and children (under 5 and over 6 months) and those with chronic diseases (* see the list at the end…

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Flu Shots available Saturday April 23

We now have the flu shots and will have a drive through session on Saturday April 23, 2022, similar to previous years. This will be for all over 65yo patients of the clinic. Ring the clinic for a booking. More detail to follow.

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March COVID update

With all the news about Ukraine, Putin, floods and the sudden death of cricketers, it is easy to forget about the pandemic. Especially as we all really do want to forget about it. Unfortunately it has taken tragedies to displace it from the front page news and from the front of mind. Aren’t we all…

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