Mirror Article 18/6

from Dr Phil Worboys It is with a mixture of emotions that I wish to inform the Foster population of my leaving of the Associateship and practice management of the medical centre at the end of June. In addition, I am stopping my anaesthetic work and have been busy these last few months informing my…

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Hotdoc and MyMedicare

Valued patients, please note that Foster and Toora Medical Centre is now using a service called Hotdoc to communicate with you regarding appointments and other services. It sends text messages to confirm appointments. You can confirm with a YES or cancel with a NO (or call us).  Last week we did send an invitation for…

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The bulk billing incentive explained

It seems awhile ago that we promised to keep the public up to date with the change in billing policy at Foster and Toora Medical Centres. In fact, it was just before the Federal budget. Which certainly surprised with the headline-grabbing ‘triple bulk billing incentive’ package for GPs. That was a significant announcement… but in…

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Chest pains…Ring an Ambulance!

There have been a couple of walk-in presentations to our nurses unit recently of patients who have had new or ‘significantly different to their normal’ chest pains. Which have turned out to be heart related and potentially life-threatening. We want to remind people to always take such symptoms seriously and to err on the side…

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May Budget and Bulk Billing at FMC

In the May Budget incentives were increased for bulk billing pensioners, concession card holders and children under 16yo (starting November). This has made it possible for us to continue our current policy which is to bulk bill these groups for standard consultations. Prior to this increase, the rebates offered had fallen to approximately half of…

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After hours care at the Urgent Care Clinic in SGH.

There have been out of pocket charges for out-patient consultations at South Gippsland Hospital Urgent Care Clinic for many years. These have now been increased to $50 for Pensioners, $90 for Health Card Holders and $140 for Private patients. Payment on the day is expected, otherwise a $20 administration fee will be added.

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Bulk Billing teenagers 16 years and older at FMC

As of May 1 2023 we will no longer be bulk billing teenagers 16 years or older who have no concession cards (pension, HCC, etc) and a full consultation fee will be charged.  This is the first of a number of changes to our billing that we will be announcing over the coming months.  “Why?”Because…

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Flu Clinics update

Our first clinic last Saturday went well and 301 vaccinations were done. We thanks the RSL for supplying the sausage sizzle; Rotary this week….remember your gold coin donation! PLEASE come at your appointment time, not earlier, as this only creates a logjam….a plea from our nurses 🙂 We have opened up another clinic (the 4th…

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Flu Clinics

It is that time of the year again. We have two clinics for those over 65 on Saturday morning of April 15 and 22 at the Medical Centre. Ring and get a booking now. There will also be a clinic for those under 65 with an eligible chronic disease on Wednesday April 19. Please note…

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