Senior Long-serving Doctors at FMC

The community is so fortunate in having senior doctors working for them for so many years through Foster Medical Centre. Trevor Andrews has worked as a Rural GP for 28 years, 20 of them in Foster. Michael Fitzgerald came back to Foster to work 14 years ago, after initially coming as a registrar in 1980. And David Iser has been in Foster since 1981!

All were busy fulltime doctors for many years and enjoyed the full gamut of Rural General Practice. And each has added roles that you may not be aware of that are so well suited to experienced GPs. Trevor and Mike are both involved in the teaching of Registrars through EVGPT (Eastern Victoria General Practice Training) and RVTS (Rural Vocational Training Scheme). This involves both mentoring other doctors and regular site visits to observe their consultations. David combines teaching Medical Students every Wednesday through Monash University with operating once a week and consulting for the other 2-3 days.

 All three doctors continue to play important roles in our own registrar teaching as well.

Trevor and Mike have reduced their consulting hours this year -both are working part-time now- but have continued their important teaching roles, to help ensure that the next generation of doctors have the very best of starts.  Please be aware of their part time availability when you are ringing our receptionists for an appointment. 

We are indeed fortunate to have a great group of talented young doctors working alongside and in collaboration with our seniors. Over the years the Foster team has endeavoured to deliver consistently top quality, holistic medical care and our senior doctors will always help with any transition of your care to the next generation.

The good news for all of us is that our senior doctors are intending to work for years to come!