Dr Owen Casson
General PractitionerDr Owen Casson, has been at FMC for 19 years and enjoys a full range of general practice work and emergencies at South Gippsland Hospital. Obstetrics is a special interest and involves him in the joy and excitement of deliveries at SGH also. Teaching medical students and GP registrars has been a focus for all his years at FMC. We are well used to including people at all levels of training in educational experiences available in both FMC and SGH. When not at work, Owen spends time with family, plays the odd game of golf, and plans a next sailing adventure.

Dr Ruyu Yao
General PractitionerDr Ruyu Yao was graduated in the Sun Yat-Sen University in China in 2001. After working in several hospitals in Australia, she was attracted to the green hills and pristine waters of South Gippsland in 2012 for her GP training, and calls it home to this day.
Ruyu enjoys the variety of General Practice, and values continuity of care. She has special interest in Obstetrics and delivers babies in the South Gippsland Hospital.
In her spare time Ruyu tries to keep fit by jogging, loves reading, and often takes pleasure simply marvelling in the beautiful rural landscape.

Dr Trevor Andrews
General PractitionerTrevor Andrews graduated from Melbourne University in 1976. He has worked both in Melbourne and the UK but mostly in Foster/Toora starting in 1982. His main interests are Chronic Diseases, Skin cancer diagnosis/ treatment and the teaching/supervising of the next generation of doctors - both Medical Students and Registrars.
Due to being part time he is not taking new patients.

Dr Michael Fitzgerald
General PractitionerIn general practice 40 + years with interests in diagnostic general medicine, palliative care, minor skin surgery and teaching.

Dr Jonathan Insermini
GP RegistrarJonathan obtained his medical degree from The University of Buenos Aires (U.B.A) in Argentina in 2008. Subsequently, he relocated to Australia where he fulfilled the Australian Medical Council requirements to become a fully qualified medical practitioner. He has gained experience in diverse settings, ranging from rural locations in regional Victoria to esteemed tertiary centre's such as St Vincent’s Hospital and Royal Melbourne Hospital. During his tenure at these prominent trauma centre's, he developed a keen interest in emergency medicine and earned an Advanced Diploma in Emergency Medicine. Presently, Jonathan has joined Foster Medical Centre with a focus on establishing a career in general practice. During his leisure time, Jonathan cherishes moments with his wife and two young children. He actively engages them in outdoor activities, particularly bike riding, sailing, and kitesurfing.

Dr David Polmear
General Practitioner
Dr Louisa Tatton
General PractitionerLouisa graduated from medical school in Queensland in 2012 after spending her clinical years in the country and developing a love for rural medicine. She then worked in Tasmania throughout her training years before moving to South Gippsland in 2020 and completing her Fellowship with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. She loves the breadth of medicine she gets to practise as a country GP and as well as working at FMC she is our Youth Access Clinic doctor each Monday. When she isn’t at work Louisa likes to be out hiking, gardening, planting trees or otherwise being out in nature.

Dr Laurie Warfe
General PractitionerLaurie has been in general practice for many years and still enjoys all the challenges and rewards the work has to offer. He graduated in 1975 and was in practice at Frankston for 30 years before moving for a tree change to Foster in 2019 to enjoy pottering on his hobby farm. He has an interest in men's health in particular but is happy to see all patients of all age groups. Laurie has limited availability due to being part time only and he also has interests in medico-legal medicine which occasionally takes him away to Melbourne for medical tribunal work.

Dr Philip Worboys
General PractitionerDr Philip Worboys graduated University Melbourne in 1986 and has been an Associate at Foster since 1992. He has a real passion for the importance of Rural General Practice, for medicine ’from the cradle to the grave’. His main interests now are in chronic disease, anaesthetics and passing on some of his experience through teaching students and registrars.
Please note that due to limited consulting sessions, Dr Worboys is unable to take on new patients.

Dr Antoun Boulos
General PractitionerAntoun graduated from Medical School in Western Australia, where he fell in love with rural life as a student. He has since worked in Western Australia and Tasmania where he lived until being lured to South Gippsland in 2020. Antoun has a Fellowship with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and is one of our GP Anaesthetists. He loves the broad scope of rural general practise and combining it with his focussed skills in Anaesthetics. When he isn’t at work you’ll find playing tennis, surfing or tending to his garlic patch.

Dr Meg Gallagher
GP RegistrarMeg Gallagher was raised in Swifts Creek, East Gippsland. She joins Foster Centre via Monash University where she completed a Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of Surgery in 2017 and Geelong where she worked for five years. Meg is continuing to broaden her medical experience by completing anaesthetics training in addition to general practice. Meg is delighted to be back in Gippsland - on the right side of Melbourne- as is her dog, Roy.

Dr David Iser
General PractitionerOriginally from Bendigo, Dr David is a GP with over 35 years experience in General Practice. The majority of this time has been a principal GP in Foster, South Gippsland where he has enjoyed a decorated career focusing on traditional family medicine, surgery and obstetrics. His work as a community leader and doctor have earned him the South Gippsland Person of the Year award.
Dr Dirk Teuber
General PractitionerGraduated 2007 from Charité University in Berlin and worked in anaesthetics and emergency medicine before coming to Foster in 2015 to work as a rural GP.
He enjoys rural medicine and has a special interest in anaesthetics and is passionate about rural emergency medicine.
In his time off he explores the Australian nature, hikes in the high country (regularly with snow shoes) either alone or in company of his two daughters. But he also enjoys authentic Asian cuisine with the whole family in Melbourne.

Dr Nicky Waugh
General PractitionerDr Nicky Waugh - graduated from Monash University in 2014 and moved back to South Gippsland in 2021, having grown up in Yarram. She is interested in all aspects of family medicine including children's health and chronic disease management. Outside of medicine, Nicky enjoys hiking, netball and spending time with her family.
Areas of interest:
- Childrens health
- Chronic disease